Fact Sheet 5

Biosecurity, Welfare, and Ethical Considerations in the Australian Thoroughbred Industry

YEAR 7-10

Resource Overview

Year 7 - 10
Biosecurity - Research and respond activity
25 - 35 minutes
Year 7 - 10
Ethics and welfare in the thoroughbred industry collage activity
30 – 50 minutes

This fact sheet focuses on the biosecurity protocols, animal welfare practices, and ethical considerations integral to the Australian thoroughbred industry. Students learn how biosecurity measures, such as quarantine, personal protective equipment (PPE), and vaccinations, protect horses and humans from disease. The resource explores how the five domains of animal welfare are applied to maintain physical and mental well-being of horses.

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Thoroughbred Breeders Australia

Thoroughbred Breeders Australia (TBA) is the national peak body established for the benefit of the Australian thoroughbred breeding industry. TBA, a not-for-profit organisation, has a membership base of 4,200 individual breeders and other industry participants, and is also the parent company of the six state breeders’ associations.
